Bonus Ball
Click here for an application form.

Join our Bonus Ball Subscribers Club and try for a prize every week
Participants pay £5 per month by standing order into the bonus ball fund and are allocated a number from 1-49. Choosing to subscribe at £10 gives you two allocated numbers.
Each week a prize of £25.00 is awarded to the people whose number matches the bonus ball drawn in that week's Saturday National Lotto draw. The Winners are notified of their win by the Friends and receives their prize in the form of a cheque at the end of the month.
The Bonus Ball is a great way to help the Canolfan. The group of Canolfan Friends that manage the scheme collect the money surplus to the weekly prizes and discuss with the Directors as appropriate to decide if the money becomes available to the general running costs or if it is held to match fund grant applications or individual projects.
We are limiting the entries at this time to 100 x £5 subscribers and 40 x £10 subscribers - when we reach this figure we will raise the prize money pro rata by each additional 30 subscribers.