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We offer a range of classes throughout the week to suit all ages and levels of fitness.
Hover over each class for details, or scroll down to the bottom of the page. 

These classes can be booked by calling the Canolfan on 01248 811200, or via ClubRight.


Fitness Class
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Fit 4 All:
a combination of cardio and strength exercises suitable for all levels of fitness

1.00 - 2.00pm
Fit 4 All

Workout Lesson
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Cardio, core and strength workout, using a mix of high and low impact cardio moves, bodyweight and weighted exercise.

5.30 - 6.30pm
Total Body Blast with Andrea

Yoga Class
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Flexibility, Agility, Balance, Breathing and Strength for poor mobility and poor breathing for the over 60s.

2.30 - 3.30pm

Yoga Class
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Designed to strengthen, stretch and destress through a combination of standing and mat-based yoga poses. Each class will include a breathing exercise and relaxation to end the practice. 

6.45 - 8.00pm
Mixed Ability Yoga with Andrea


Box Workout
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Step and Tone:
30 min continuous fat burning 30 min strength with dumbbells.

6.00 - 7.00pm
Step and Tone


Plank Position
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Balance, Joint and Strength Circuit: 
A 1 minute interval training class combining cardio and balance exercises.

11.00am - 12.00pm
Joint Strength Circuits

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Low intensity muscle strengthening workout focusing on core strength and spine mobility.

1.00 - 2.00pm
Pilates with Sam

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Arron will be on hand to teach you how to use our exercise equipment, and give advice on how to achieve your fitness goals. 

5.30pm - 6.30pm
Assisted Gym with Arron


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Low intensity muscle strengthening workout focusing on core strength and spine mobility.

5.00 - 6.00pm
Pilates with Sam


Lifting Kettlebells
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Circuit Training: 
1 minute interval training combining cardio and strength. Suitable for all.

1.00 - 2.00pm


We also offer classes provided by external fitness instructors.
These classes are booked directly with the instructor. Please contact the Canolfan for more information.


Yoga with Katie

9.30 - 10.45am

Pilates with Katie

11.00am - 12.00pm

Dydd Mawrth

Tai Chi gyda Philip

9:30yb - 11:15yb

Atal Cwympiadau gyda Carol

10yb - 11yb

Dydd Iau

Yoga ysgafn gyda Kath

9:45yb - 11:15yb

Pilates gydag Angie

1:30pm - 2:30pm

Dydd Gwener

Oedolion Cic-focsio 16+

6:15pm - 7pm

Rydym yn cynnig amrywiaeth o weithgareddau iechyd a ffitrwydd i apelio at bob oedran:


FABBS: Hyblygrwydd, Ystwythder, Cydbwysedd, Anadlu a Chryfder ar gyfer symudedd gwael ac anadlu gwael i bobl dros 60 oed.

HIIT: 30 munud o Hyfforddiant Ysbeidiol Dwysedd Uchel wedi'i deilwra i bob lefel o ffitrwydd.

Hyfforddiant Cylchdaith: Cyflyru'r corff neu hyfforddiant ymwrthedd, sy'n addas i bawb.

Nôl a chryfder craidd: Canolbwyntio ar graidd cefn a chryfder.

Cymysgedd Ffit: Dosbarth tonio corff llawn.

Hyfforddiant Pyramid: Dosbarth cylched addas i bawb.

Cylchdaith Cydbwysedd, Cydbwysedd a Chryfder: Dosbarth ymarfer corff 30 munud.

Erobeg Effaith Isel: Yn addas ar gyfer dechreuwyr.

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